
Find High APR

There are tons of DEXs in the DeFi market right now. It would be extremely time consuming and painful to learn which one to use and how to use them. Furthermore, it's an incredibly tedious task to see which pools exist within them and compare all of them for maximal yields.

Toaster aggregates pools that offer high yields from all kinds of defi protocols into a single page. Users can sort and select pools based on their preferred criteria such as APR, TVL, and Volume, and if they want to find pools on a specific chain, they can select the chain they want to invest in.

Swap, Bridge, and LP supply on a single page

Users can easily pick and choose which ones they want to invest in, and if there is a protocol or chain that they frequently want to interact with, they can repeat the operation with minimal time and cost.

Once you've selected the pools you want to invest in, you can start contributing LPs to those pools and earn interest, fees, or LP appreciation. Before you start offering LPs, it's essential to convert your holdings into the tokens that make up the LPs.

With Toaster, regardless of the chain and token type, you can convert them into the desired tokens of any chain and offer LPs. Instead of hopping from one swap and bridge service to another, Toaster solves this process for you and then supplies your LPs all at once!

e.g. Situation where you are liquidating USDC on the Polygon chain to a pool of ETH/ARB(fee 0.3%) on the Arbitrum chain on UniSwap V3.

1. Select the pool you want to invest

2. After selecting a pool, you'll see what assets you have and choose which ones to invest. (You can choose more than two tokens)

3. Swap, bridge, and supply LP on a single page.

4. On the 'Progress Completed!' page, click "View My Portfolio" to verify that the liquidation was successful.

Last updated