Our Mission

Toaster Finance lowers the hurdle of DeFi investing while improving the UX by providing a unified UI for all the processes of DeFi investing on a single page.

We are committed to unrestricted asset movement and comfortable DeFi investing. Swap, Bridge, and Stake LPs on a single page, making the process of investing in DeFi efficient, easy, and fast.

In this way, investing in DeFi with Toaster Finance is easier than making toast, and that's why we are Toaster Finance.

1) Time Cost

Time costs include both the time it takes to screen investment vehicles when you want to invest in a particular pool, and the time it takes to convert your investment into the form of an asset backed by that vehicle.

For an intuitive understanding, let's say you only have USDC on the Ethereum chain and you're trying to decide which pool to invest in.

Problem: To find the best pools to invest in, users need information about APY, APR, token, network, risk, etc. In the real world, they have to sift through scattered information on each platform, such as Uniswap, Curve Finance, etc.

Solution: Toaster Finance saves users time by bringing together pools from multiple Defi platforms in one place, saving them from having to consider which pool to invest in in the first place.

Let's say the user then decides to deposit into the ETH/MATIC pool on the Polygon network on Uniswap.

Problem: In order to do this manually, the user would need to 1) convert USDC from the Ethereum network to the Polygon network, and 2) convert USDC to ETH and MATIC. Regardless of the order in which they do this, they will eventually need to use swaps and bridges to convert their assets. Deciding which swap and bridge service to use to safely convert your assets and finalize your investment can be time consuming.

Solution: Toaster Finance simplifies the process of converting assets into the form required by the investor and reduces the cost of navigation by providing a secure path for users to pay the least amount of money to make an investment.

2) Monetary Cost

Monetary costs refer to transaction costs, such as fees and slippage, incurred when converting your holdings into assets backed by an investment source.

Problem: Not only are there gas costs associated with putting assets into a pool, but there are also transaction costs associated with swaps and bridges that vary depending on which service you use and at what time.

Solution: Toaster Finance calculates the fees and slippage incurred during the asset conversion process, including the cost of gas at the time of investment, and finds the lowest cost way to complete the conversion process. As a result, users can select the desired investment destination and invest with a single click, automatically going through the entire process at the lowest possible cost.

Not only does Toaster Finance provide a solution to the two problems mentioned above, but it also creates opportunities for future users to extend the functionality of Toaster Finance. Users who have their own unique investment strategies or need to use certain services on a regular basis can use Toaster Finance to streamline the process, saving time and minimizing transaction costs to optimize their experience.

Last updated