
Select the token

Buying tokens is always a hassle. Select the token you want to buy on Toaster Finance and exchange it quickly and easily.

Choose the token's Chain

If the token is issued on a chain, you can choose any chain supported by Toaster Finance and easily exchange it for the corresponding token on that chain.

Swap and Bridge on a single page

  • same chain & different token: you only need to go through the swap process to complete the exchange.

  • different chain & same token: you can simply select the token and choose a different chain to bridge.

  • different chain & different token: you need to swap and bridge, which can also be done in one step on Toaster Finance.

e.g. Exchange USDT on the Arbitrum for STG on the Polygon.

1. Select the token and chain you want to exchange

2. After selecting a token, you'll see what assets you have and choose which assets to exchange. (You can choose more than two assets)

3. Swap and bridge on a single page.

4. On the 'Progress Completed!' page, click "View My Portfolio" to verify that the liquidation was successful.

Last updated